
  • Pvz Last Stand Endless Best Strategy
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 29. 06:03

    This is a Totally Cobless Setup Discuz on Survival Endless for Plants Vs Zombies, the hottest RTS game right now all over the world. I have received emails and comments from many countries and regions, such as US, UK, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Peru, Vietnam, India, etc., asking about how and why about this Great game that Popcap Games Presents us. Some great players have posted their setup snapshots to share with us. I'd so appreciate their work and their kindness to share their valuable experiences with us.

    Since the previous hub has been overloaded, I've decided to make this hub to exclusively discuz on Cobless Setups for Survival Endless. Hope you like it! This setup can perfectly deal with the Bungee Zombies,while we have to replace a Pumkin on the every left line every two Flags according to what Draco said. What do you think? I think this is the more balanced one.Yes, we have abundant Ice-shrooms since we have an imitated one to recharge. While we still have to concentrate on Giga-Gargantuars by using the Ice-shrooms frequently. We are freed from the Cob Cannon frequently clicking, so we have enough time dealing with the replacement of Pumpkins.

    What do you think?I am thinking trying this setup today. By applying Draco's 2nd cobless setup, so far so good. Few things to add:.We don't have to worry about Bungee Zombies.Replace the damaged Pumpkins on the very left line.Since we have 6 slots to plant Twin Sunflowers, we have stronger economy.Probably the only threat now is the giga-gargantuar appearing at the very top & Bottom line, just use Coffee Beans to activate the Ice-shrooms.

    That's all.I have few times to have to use the Cherry Bomb, Squash or the Jalapeno.I'll keep reporting daily. Actually I've figured out one very similar to this build weeks ago, while Kennedy's better than mine.However, there're certain flaws that could be fatal.Pros:. Making the 2nd and the 5th lane intact.

    Gloomy-shrooms have been perfectly positioned to get all the Bungee Zombies away.Cons:. We can't always use Jalapeno to take care of the Jacks.

    There should be some passive attack against Jack. Once we are in face of chaotic warfare of zombies all over the screen, it's hard for us to distinguish the Jack from the Crowd.

    Well, that's probably the only big flaw in this build. The position where the Winter Melon stands is weak. We have to replace the Pumpkins frequently when in face of Digger Zombie Crowd.

    Not a big problemWhat do you think of it, guys? I took Draco's second Cobless set-up and changed it around a little, adding more melons to the first and last lanes, taking out one Fume-shroom. This is because of the Fume-shrooms limited firing range and placing one behind doesn't make sense to me.

    A second reason is because those two lanes I just mentioned do not have support from the Gloomy shrooms in the pool, so adding another melon should help. I also increased the number of cattails in the pool, since I realised that the zombies were eliminated outside of the pool and I wanted more Ballon Zombie coverage.

    I have found that the Draco Setup 2 works best for me, but with one slight modification. At some point you have way too much sun and nothing but pumpkins, ice shrooms and coffee beans to spend it on. So what I did was I replaced the last two twin sunflowers in the back with golden magnets. Not only do I still get plenty of sun from the other 4 twin sunflowers but now I also get all of the coins/diamonds that the zombies drop when they die. This has been really helpful to me in being able to fund my Zen Garden and other upgrades.

    First a thank you for all the great info. Never thought I would get so carried away but keep being dragged into that back yard.I am playing the iPad version. I have noted some difference compared to what apparently happens on the PC version. Specifically the 'safe' Jack-In-The-Box (JIB) setup described by Draco just not hold. I quite often have JIBs blow up with this '100 pct safe' setup, so they must have changed speed or durability of the JIB on the iPad. I have tried to double up On Fumes in the inner row (column 6 and 7) but though I am not 100% sure I think I still had a blowup. Worse my outer row defense is now much weaker and I got overrun around flag 50.

    Using Draco's excellent number 2 setup I was able to go to 70 flags. One of the challenges with the iPad version is having only 9 slots - when you need the full emergency kit for JIBs there is very little wiggle room!The only change I did to Draco's setup was to move the cattails to the back row.

    That allowed me to remove one of the Glooms in the back and have 4 Ice Melons on the back column. One gloom and the cattails killed all diggers without problem, and there was no maintenance needed on the pumpkins. The extra spot can of course be used for Ice Melon and/or ice shroom etc.Getting the cattails in the back obviously removed some DPS in the front, but I suspect - especially with hordes of Gigas - that the negative impact is minimal. I just made a build that is cobless and requires no instants. Just set it up and sit back a watch. I am currently on flag 502.I will quickly explain it:typical gloom shroom + pumpkin in pool filling pool all the way to the end.

    Except there is 2 cattails.spike rocks in row 2 and 5 near the begining and a few umbrella leaf near the end and 1 gloomshroom at the end for diggers. Rest is unfilledrows 1 -6. 2 spike rock in front followed by torchwood and the the rest of rows are filled with gatling peas.

    Pvz Last Stand Endless Best Strategy

    Pvz Survival Endless Strategy

    Summary of 'Harmless' build:Why make it naked? I wanted to challenge myself and do something new. Removing Pumpkins adds vulnerability, but unlocks certain other strengths. For example, Dolphins will nibble on a Pumpkined Gloom in the 4th column, while it will never reach an unPumpkined one. You get Dolphin immunity from adding that space and keeping the next tile set naked.

    At the same time though, you are now vulnerable to ambush zombies at the end of a wave. Luckily, you can time the Freeze Shroom to activate right after the 'Incoming Huge Wave' message disappears, and right before they pop out.

    If you do it correctly, they never surface. This is also required for Rubber Ducky zombies at the beginning of every checkpoint, because sometimes they jump in the water before the Glooms start up.Why the ladders in the back? Those ladder Pumpkins make the back three columns immune to Imps that are thrown over. A single Gloom can take out all the Imps and can take out Diggers before they can reach.Why so many Winter-Pults?

    There are 4 in the pool because Bucketheads are hearty enough to sneak into the pool sometimes, so you need that extra DPS/snare to make sure they never can. This also makes the inner row snare more stable and less likely to leak unsnared zombies. The inner row has 2 to stabilize snare too. 1 let's too many through, while 3 is overkill, so 2 is a happy medium.

    I like to add that Imps rarely block the Pult shots anymore because they quickly walk past the Winter-Pults due to the ladders. This streamlines the process even more.There are some limitations to ladders, so I don't bring Jalapenos. Any consumable used on the ladders will destroy them (except Freeze/Squash). So I bring Doom Shroom to replace Jalapeno and Puff Shroom to replace Pumpkin.

    The consumable rotation is similar to my old cobless build where it's a Squash/Cherry for outer, and a Freeze for inner. Because the first inner row Gloom is also unPumpkined, the Gigas have to walk even farther before they can attack. This makes it even more difficult to lose an inner row Gloom, ironically.Jack explosions are still dangerous, because they add an extra danger (if one side is compromised, Dolphins/Pool Zombies may get to nibble on things), but I have a failsafe built in. Normally, Puffs, Cherries, and Squashes will handle all the Gigas, so you save Doom Shrooms on the pool slot for emergencies. You can also stockpile Freeze Shrooms in the back if there are no Diggers. Since this build has less Glooms, replacement is cheaper.

    Since it doesn't require constant Pumpkining, 4 Twin Sunflowers is more than enough to sustain yourself. I haven't had trouble for 180 flags and I've sustained all kinds of Jack accidents. @pvz714Hypno Shrooms would be a decent addition to fight Football Zombies, but when Gigas and Jacks are out, there is no spare card. I usually find that if I can spare a card, Puff Shrooms are far more useful in a variety of situations and have a much lower cooldown. I admit I haven't experimented with the novel idea, though.

    Thanks for the input.@BobRegarding the additional Glooms instead of Umbrella/Winter-Pult, the biggest vulnerability of the build at that point was susceptibility to Jack explosions. Yes, Glooms would be cheaper, but surviving was a much, much bigger concern than saving sun. The build is very good at bouncing back and I never lost because I ran out of sun, it was always due to dying.

    Also, additional, umbrella plants are superfluous, because this build is Bungee immune. Actually, that strategy I just gave is badBy the way, on Draco's cobless setup 2, are the gloom-shrooms in column 1 rows 1 and 6 neccesary? One gloom in column 2 seems to do just fine, and more winter melons always helps, particularly on the rows away from the pool. Also, could one put a hypno-shroom in column 7 rows 1 and 6? It seems like the only zombies that reach it are zombonis and footballs, and with strategic placing it never hurts to have football helpers.To kisame: Jacks explode when there is a plant on two sides of them (left and forward for example).

    If you put a puff-shroom on a lane by the pool, a jack reaching it would explode because it would have a puff in front and a gloom to its left. Column 1 is winter melon, column 2 is gloom in rows 1 and 6, umbrella in 2 and 5 and twin sun in pool, column 3 has winter melon on land and twin sun in pool, columns 456 have winter melon on land and cattail in pool, 7th row has gloom-shroom, 8th and 9th have spikerock on land and gloomshoom in pool. Umbrella leafs replace what I just described in column 5 rows 2 and 5.(columns counted from house side)(Needless to say, all have pumpkins)Cons: With large stacks of zombonis, some will get through and crush the glooms if your spikerocks are down.Pros: Gargantuars die pretty quick.Bring along doom-shroom, cherry, squash, coffee, puff-shroom, pumpkin, imitator pumpkin, fume, gloom, lily. I'm pretty good at keeping an eye on those pumpkins. Biggest drawback is that on rounds with gigas, I'm giving up imitater pumpkin for either Puff or Imitater freeze.

    So pumpkins usually get prioritized more to what costs more to replace.Yeah, my biggest problem is using consumables too often. Since I have the inner row fume setup for jacks, I often use Freeze earlier than I should. Perhaps I shouldn't worry about it too much since they always get smashed on Giga rounds.

    Otherwise I'd be using freeze and other consumables way too often to keep it. Damn those Jacks!BTW what's your 2 cents on doom shrooms? I'm curious if it could be used as a last ditch effort, put behind gigas on the end of a wave or flag when there's nothing left to rotate. It's all about tightening the rotation.Wasting Freeze Shrooms is the biggest penalty for that rotation and has the biggest contribution to lost Glooms.

    Even I can barely manage that way, so what I've recently recommended for people was to replace one of the Winter-Pults in the pool with a dedicated Freeze slot. It's much better to sacrifice a fraction of the Pumpkin maintenance than the 6th sunflower.The next biggest problem is the looming threat of Jack accidents. Putting Fumes in the inner row seems to prevent or at the very least lower the chance of it happening. They're going to vulnerable to a lot of things and must remain unpumpkined on Zomboni levels, but their mild cost seems puny compared to 2,000 sun and a chance of death.Don't use Cherry or Jalapeno unless you have to. Use Squash regularly. Work those Freeze timings and develop a good eye for watching Pumpkin notches.You can always press space bar for a break.Aside from that, it's just about keeping track of what row is doing what.

    What Gigas still need to be softened and what don't. Spam Puffs as much as you can, when you can use them. Well, not to quibble over the details, if you want to achieve maximum chance of no Glooms squashed for levels without Jacks but with Gigas then you would have one side with the Fumes, and one side without.The reasoning is this. Jalapenos can hit one more wave of zombies that can come out if the zombies have to go another 2 tiles. Which means you can hit 3-4 depending on the timing, so one side would be safer that way.The other side would normally use Cherry Bomb and Squash, and since they don't get a benefit from length, you can maintain the Fumes up there. Since you're halving the Fume maintenance, increasing the efficacy of Jalapeno, and increasing the number of spots you can put Freeze Shrooms safely, you're effectively increasing the chance you don't lose a Gloom.

    I see what you mean by snared zombies. Some groups won't be frozen, since Winter-Pult can only attack the front group. This would mean gigas that aren't snared can pose a big problem. Puff Shrooms would help if there's no Jacks.

    But when you have both, you have to make sacrifices.I suppose that's why you came up with the Inner & Outer Jack Tactic. Using the Fume shroom behind the first inner row gloom, and two behind the Winter-pult for Outer row.So Giga or not, if there are Jacks you definitely want those Fumes there.I get it now. Ice shroom is used mostly to slow and kill off inner row gigas, and the Imitated one should be used to buy some time for Consumable rotation for Outer row Gigas since some won't be snared immediately.One part of your guide made me laugh hysterically.something about Gigas and 'un-mitigated rape'. LOL All that's missing is Banjo's. I've been using your setup for about 50 flags now. Seems like the only levels that limit you are the ones where you need consumables like gigas or gargantuars.

    Sometimes I think I'm barely getting by in those.Magnets would be invaluable if they could pull everything metallic like Gold-Magnets attract coins & diamonds.I was also wondering if 4 twin sunflowers would be enough economy. I wanted to replace the first column sunflowers with glooms, but I'm hesistant after flag 15 when they cost 1000+. If I can do it early enough, it should save more sun with less pumpkin replacements on the left side. I leave the Glooms as is. You need only Pumpkin twice at most per level. It's far cheaper than replacing 2 Glooms.Rather than Potato Mines, you could use Puff Shrooms.

    Shorter cooldown and cheaper. But a big issue is when you are doing levels with Gigas and Jacks, because that requires all 10 slots.

    There's no room for Puffs. If you're confident that no Jack accidents will occur, you don't need to bring the Lily Pad.I'd rather not replace the Cattails for Magnets, because a lot of levels limit what cards you can bring, so it could open up the potential of screwing yourself.

    Also, the Magnets are ridiculously negligible, especially for the application of removing the Jacks that explode 2s after they step onto the field. The Cattails, without air, at least have the advantage of helping with inner row Gigas. I was looking around for survival tips and this was the first google search. These are some impressive setups indeed. I also have a hard time keeping track of everything going on that a cob setup just wouldn't work for me. Keeping a track on Sun and Seeds are more important.So I really like Draco's second setup.One thing I'd like to comment on was Umbrella Leaf.

    If it can cover bungees one tile all around why isn't there a second pair above and below the Cattails? Un-necessary perhaps? It would make everything immune except for your frozen shrooms and first 6 glooms sitting in the pond.Second, I heard you have problems with jacks. I know magnet shrooms can attract the boxes, but I suppose when there's 50+ zombies on screen it'll pull anything.

    Plants Vs Zombies Last Stand Mini Game Strategy

    You could try replacing Cattails with magnet-shrooms and just use blover during balloon rounds. That would at least protect your inner row from catastrophe. Maybe even stop a few diggers.Third, if your worried about gigas flattening the Fumes you could always try setting up a potato mine in front. Relatively cheap and if a giga attacks it, SPUDOW!I do have one question though, on Dolphin rounds do you replace the first two pool glooms with Tall-nuts or just leave them as is?. Well, by the time the Jacks actually reach the Puff Shrooms to start nibbling, they'd be in range to explode your stuff. Since their single target damage is insignificant, Puff Shrooms are best used to slow the Gigas down only.

    As for dealing with outer row Jacks, the only other possible solution would be to add a 3rd Fume. I'm not even sure that'll make a difference but nothing short of a Threapeater with Torchwood will be able to help after that. Winter-pults are too unpredictable and Glooms are too limited.Relative positioning of that Gloom/Fume ground front is what dictates how vulnerable you are to Jacks. You've seen my position, which happens to be completely immune.

    Move it one tile closer and it's impossible. Move it one back and you got yours. The only options left are to keep moving back, but unsnared patches of zombies will lead to a premature end.As for immediate pool explosions, try putting Fume Shrooms where your Freeze Shrooms are. It seems that their attacking off-screen actually makes you immune to those inner row Jacks believe it or not. Football Zombies and Gigas might give you troubles, but that's something you can work around easily. Pumpkin for Football, and for Gigas it'll act as a nice buffer otherwise a Gloom might've gotten squished instead. Draco's assessment of the fuming jack hammer is quite correct.


    It is a nice thought, however the Jacks just cause hell with a bit of involvement with even a single Giga, requiring the use of multiple instant effect plants for a single wave. It didn't even get past flag 19 before a Giga pulled ahead of the mob of zombies and nullified the effect of the Winter Melon - the Jack was out of range to be hit by it. The Gigas in 1 and 6 are almost wholly untouched unless a Freeze Shroom is used every time they show up and at the right spot, making it required that in a heavier combination of special zombies that you use two or more Freezes to get both the Jacks and the Gigas.

    Jacks also run almost wholly unhindered in 1 and 6 to explode over 2 and 5, taking out an expensive and vital line of defense.I'm quite a fan of cobless builds, as cobs tend to require a lot of management, timing, and can later become quite expensive to replace when things do go awry. Elegant is close to one of the builds I was trying, though I'm less bothered about using replacement pumpkins than by replacing pumpkins AND a plant that comes to about 1k sun to set up. Good stuff, actually the first time I ran the primitive form of that build, I ended up losing to that Jack/Giga combo around 90 waves. Then I learned how to be more efficient with things, since it gets very repetitive, you learn nifty ways of getting things done. Like, a lot of the times I use the Freeze Shroom for the Gigas to stop and attack it, on top of freezing them. It works even better for Squash, and since Squash is cheaper and a lower cooldown than the Cherry/Jalapeno, I usually use the Squash first and early and it's usually up again instead of using that Cherry Bomb. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam.

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    Pvz Survival Endless Strategy

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